Monday, June 5, 2017

Arches NP

Our first day inside Arches we hiked ~6 miles on various trails.

My favorite is Delicate Arch which was about a 3 mile hike.

Many of you know Bonnie and I traditionally take a wedding anniversary picture with Bonnie dressed in her ORIGINAL wedding dress at whatever the location may be, and I dress in what is appropriate for the particular event.  This year, the picture includes Kristin's two youngest boys, which are our two youngest grandsons, since we met Kristin and family at Dead Horse Point State Park.  I am certain there will be more anniversary pictures since our actual anniversary is in late June.  One thing I found quite entertaining was when Bonnie got her wedding dress out and slipped it on over top of her hiking clothes, many of the visitors started taking pictures of us even though they didn't know us. Particularly the Japanese visitors.

This was another favorite of mine in Arches National Park. This was called Double Arch and on the very last picture you can see where I was laying underneath one of the arches and taking a picture looking up.

This is Balanced Rock and when you are up close to it, you just have to wonder how in the world can this stay up there year after year.

I had this picture taken for a friend and former co-worker who we always talked about him carrying the weight of the company on his shoulders. So Marco, here I am holding up Balanced Rock.

Laying under Double Arch

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