Tuesday, September 22, 2015

East coast of PEI and start of Nova Scotia

September 21, 2015

We spent the night in Cavendish, then continued east to another part of PEI National Park which is the northern coastline of the center part of PEI.  The PEINP does not have a ‘grand entrance’ since it is along the coastline and there are many places to pull over to go to the beach, picnic, etc.  We rode our bikes about seventeen miles on the paved bike path along the sand dunes.  It was very pleasant as there was very little traffic on both the highway and the bike path.

Bonnie wanted me to point out in the picture above, that the ocean wind inflated our clothes and we have not gained weight!

When we were done riding, we continued on to the east coast to stay at Brudenell River Provincial Park for the night and will leave tomorrow for the capitol of PEI, Charlottetown.  

September 22, 2015

We rolled into Charlottetown around noon, walked around the city, which included going to the Lieutenant Governor’s residence.  There was one street that does not allow cars and is lined with restaurants, boutiques, etc.  shown below.  

We then stopped at a wharf side café for lunch consisting of mussels and lobster/mussel chowder.  (I did not have to wrestle with either the mussels or the lobster J)

After lunch we started toward Nova Scotia where we are spending the night. 


PEI is larger than it looks.  In the center of the island from east to west it is 140 miles.  It is treated as three separate sections;  western, central, and eastern.  Each section has a coastal loop drive; the western is 217 miles, the central is 157 miles, and the eastern is 295 miles.  

I am still quite impressed that people keep their places so neat.  So far, we have not seen any place that has unusable stuff (junk) sitting around their property nor houses or other buildings in disrepair. 
The crop farms are large and we drove past one farm that the farmer had seven tractors all the same model, and a variety of other implements such as combines, potato diggers, etc.  Interestingly enough, all of them were lined up, in a very long pole barn, protected from the weather.   John Deere appears to be the agricultural equipment brand of choice.  However, the heavy duty potato digger is cleverly brand named 'Spudnik'.

I was asked by a blog reader about what seemed to be the popular car here.  It is not real easy to say since there is a representation of most of the different vehicle makes, but, Kia and Mazda seem to be very popular.

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