Just a quick update. These days are rather uneventful as we have just been driving without stopping to see much of anything. Although we did see a couple of interesting structures; one was the arch in St. Louis and the other was a bridge at Kansas City.

Stainless steel arch in St. Louis at the Mississippi River
Different bridge structure at Kansas City
We are leaving Jamestown, ND this morning in the rain and so far, we have traveled ~1,400 miles. When we stopped for the night last night, it just happened to be near a buffalo museum where we saw an albino buffalo and a statue of the worlds largest buffalo.
Yep! There is the worlds largest buffalo statue with Bonnie hugging his left front leg
Just a quick amusing story:
We stopped to fuel up at station where I have a rewards card to get $.03 off per gallon. Before fueling, I went in to cashier and told her the pump did not reduce the displayed price to which she replied, "yes, that happens sometimes. Just go ahead and fill up then bring the receipt in and I will give you the difference in cash." So I put in exactly 21 gallons and took the receipt into her. She was busy with other customers so I told the other girl at the cash register right beside her that she told me to bring in the receipt for a cash refund. The second girl told me I would have to wait for the first girl because figuring the difference was too hard for her. (SERIOUSLY?) So when the first girl was finished with her customer, I handed her the receipt and she searched for a calculator to figure the refund. Both girls were checking the receipt for a while then she opened the cash drawer and gave me $8.00! I told her "oh no, that's not right, that is way too much money. It should only be $.63." She told me that was the right amount and that is what I was supposed to receive. Other customers were lining up behind me and she wanted me out of there so I went back out to the rv and told Bonnie what happened. So, I went back in to tell her again and her register was closed and she was stocking buns at the wiener machine. I went over to her and told her that there is no way the refund was right because it was way too much money. She told me it was correct that her manager told her to take the number of gallons times three. I told her, yes, it should be times three cents, not three. She said no that is what the manager said and I was to take this money. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
June 8, 2014 - Day 1
The intended route
Clicking on the above link, "The Intended Route", should allow you to see the intended route from Madison, Alabama to Fairbanks, Alaska (or give you the Google Maps link). Roughly 4,400 miles.
Good Start Dad :) I hope your journey is as fun or more fun than ours has been already! Love you!