Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 30th - day 2 on Aero Island

Initially we thought that spending three days may be to much. But after we got here and started exploring we now wish we would have stayed a couple more days here.

I put a bunch of pictures out on this posting that come from the little Hamlet village of Aeroskobing where we are staying,  and a little village by the name of Soby. There's also some that's on the way to Marstal which was on our route for a 16 mile bike ride. I will identify some of the pictures below.

One of many bath houses along the water. These things are really tiny and a small one is about 5 feet by 6 feet and a large one is about 8 feet by 8 feet. They have enough room in it for a small table a couple of chairs and people store their beach stuff in these little bath houses. They are no longer allowed to build any more of these.

In a previous post I mentioned about most all of the doorways being too short for me to go through without ducking my head. You can see in this picture below shows the height of the door.

This is a picture of our favorite place to eat here. They have a variety of fish but the one that was are definite favorite was smoked salmon. We had it three nights in a row because we can't find it that fresh at home.

The harbor at Soby, Aero which is north of where we are staying. 

This is a cemetery in Soby that we walked through. Notice the small hedges around the grave site. It appeared as though they had a full-time gardener at the cemetery because it was absolutely immaculate.

We noticed it was common practice for the locals to set stuff out for sale. I had mentioned garage sale in a previous post but they also put out a homemade jams and jellies it was really quite interesting the way they did it.

The picture below is from the village of Aeroskobing where we are staying. This is looking down the main street right into the harbor

The next two pictures are from the path that we walked on a extended walk that went through farmer's fields, with views of the bay.

We thought this rural mailbox was very interesting.  Most your mailboxes are just like this one but the ones in the city or the small towns and villages are different as they are slots in the doors.

The picture below is the farm where the hiking path ended. The black building to the right is the barn and the house is Straight Ahead there with white with an orange roof.

Even the butterflies are cute!

More views from the hiking path in the next three pictures

The next five pictures showing the row of bath houses that I spoke about. Notice the bright green one is very small but that's the way most of them are.

Here is a small island in a small pond that has tiny little model houses built for ducks to go in for shelter

Water pumps out in the plaza just outside the door where we are staying.

Many of you know that Bonnie and I have a tradition of every anniversary she tries on her wedding gown and we take a picture with her and her wedding gown, original wedding gown I might add, and me dressed in whatever is appropriate for that year. I am certain there will be another picture when we get to the fjords of Norway.

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